API Response Example

This is an example of the response you will receive when fetching user data from the API.

In this API, you can use your code and free server-side integration, so there is no need to write server-side code.

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    "status": 200,
    "status_message": "User data fetched successfully",
    "data": [
            "Id": "1",
            "FirstName": "Test1",
            "LastName": "Test",
            "Email": "test1@example.com",
            "DepartmentName": "Department1",
            "PositionName": "Position1",
            "Street": "Test 123, Delhi",
            "City": "Anytown",
            "State": "NY",
            "Qualification": "Bachelor's Degree",
            "ZipCode": "12345",
            "Salary": "60000.00",
            "HireDate": "2020-01-15 00:00:00",
            "BirthDate": "1985-05-20 00:00:00",
            "Phone": "555-555-5555",
            "EmergencyContactName": "Test Doe",
            "EmergencyContactPhone": "555-123-4567",
            "IsActive": "1",
            "JoiningDate": "2020-01-15 00:00:00",
            "ResignationDate": null,
            "LastPromotionDate": "2023-05-15 00:00:00"
            "Id": "2",
            "FirstName": "Test2",
            "LastName": "Test",
            "Email": "test2@example.com",
            "DepartmentName": "Department2",
            "PositionName": "Position2",
            "Street": "Test 456, Mumbai",
            "City": "Othertown",
            "State": "CA",
            "Qualification": "Master's Degree",
            "ZipCode": "67890",
            "Salary": "70000.00",
            "HireDate": "2018-03-10 00:00:00",
            "BirthDate": "1988-08-12 00:00:00",
            "Phone": "555-123-4567",
            "EmergencyContactName": "Test Test",
            "EmergencyContactPhone": "555-987-6543",
            "IsActive": "1",
            "JoiningDate": "2018-03-10 00:00:00",
            "ResignationDate": null,
            "LastPromotionDate": "2022-10-20 00:00:00"
        // ... other user data ...

Data Description

Field Description
Id Unique identifier for the user
FirstName First name of the user
LastName Last name of the user
Email Email address of the user
DepartmentName Department where the user works
PositionName Position held by the user
Street Street address of the user
City City where the user lives
State State where the user lives
Qualification Qualification of the user
ZipCode Zip code of the user's address
Salary Salary of the user
HireDate Date when the user was hired
BirthDate Date of birth of the user
Phone Phone number of the user
EmergencyContactName Name of the user's emergency contact
EmergencyContactPhone Phone number of the user's emergency contact
IsActive Whether the user is currently active
JoiningDate Date when the user joined the company
ResignationDate Date when the user resigned, if applicable
LastPromotionDate Date when the user was last promoted